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Snake Eyes Piercing in Nairobi, Kenya

(Requirements, Procedure, Aftercare, Healing Time, Pain Threshold, and Possible Risks)

A Snake Eyes piercing is a unique and visually striking type of piercing done on the tongue. It involves two piercings placed horizontally on the tip of the tongue, resembling the appearance of snake eyes when the wearer sticks out their tongue. Each piercing is typically done through the muscular tissue on either side of the tongue’s midline.

Snake Eyes Piercing

People have started looking for ways to make their tongue piercings truly unique as tongue piercings grow in popularity. This has led to the development of piercing types such multiple tongue piercings, surface piercings, and the Snake Eyes Tongue Piercing.

The tip of the tongue is where the snake eyes are pierced. The jewelry ends on your tongue may resemble snake eyes when it is stuck out, and your tongue may appear to be a snake peering out of your mouth.

Due to the jewelry’s ball ends sticking out on either side of your tongue, this piercing appears to be a double piercing but is actually a surface piercing. It is thus a single lengthy piercing that is filled with a curved barbell. Because of this, it’s ideal for people who want a double pierced appearance without having to get two piercings.

Snake eyes piercings aren’t for the faint-hearted. People getting these piercings need to have a lot of guts because there are a lot of potential issues.

Those who are interested in the snake eyes tongue piercing should be aware of the risks and exercise extra caution during healing because of the location of the piercing. It can be challenging to get used to the jewelry at the tip of the tongue, and it happens that people inadvertently break their teeth when they bite down on the jewelry

Considerations before getting a Snake Eyes Piercing

Before getting a Snake Eyes piercing, there are several important considerations you should take into account. This type of piercing is unique and comes with its own set of risks and challenges, so it’s crucial to make an informed decision. Here are some key considerations:

  • Piercing Studio: Choose a reputable and professional piercing studio with experienced piercers who specialize in oral piercings. Ensure that they follow strict hygiene and safety protocols, use sterile equipment, and have a good reputation.
  • Age Requirements: Check the legal age for getting piercings in your area. Most places require individuals to be at least 18 years old or have parental consent if they are younger.
  • Placement: Understand the specific placement of the Snake Eyes piercing and the potential risks associated with it. It’s important to be aware that this piercing is located on the frenulum of the tongue, which can increase the risk of complications compared to other piercings.
  • Pain Tolerance: Consider your pain tolerance. Piercing the tongue can be painful, both during the procedure and during the initial healing period. Be prepared for discomfort.
  • Oral Health: Good oral hygiene is essential for any oral piercing. If you have a history of dental or gum problems, discuss this with your piercer and dentist before getting the piercing.
  • Aftercare: Understand the aftercare requirements for Snake Eyes piercings. This typically involves rinsing your mouth with a saline solution or non-alcoholic mouthwash after eating and avoiding oral contact, including kissing, during the healing process.
  • Swelling and Speech: Be prepared for swelling in the tongue, which can affect your ability to speak and eat comfortably for several days or even weeks after the piercing. Consider if this will impact your daily life and work/school responsibilities.
  • Potential Risks: Snake Eyes piercings carry some unique risks, such as the potential for gum erosion, chipped teeth, and jewelry migration. Discuss these risks with your piercer.
  • Commitment: Understand that Snake Eyes piercings are considered semi-permanent. Removing them can lead to complications, and they may leave a visible scar or indentation on the tongue.
  • Allergies: Inform your piercer about any allergies you may have to certain metals or materials, as they can help you choose suitable jewelry that won’t trigger allergic reactions.
  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a professional piercer to discuss your intentions, ask questions, and address any concerns you may have. They can provide guidance and assess if you’re a suitable candidate for the piercing.
  • Financial Considerations: Factor in the cost of the piercing procedure and quality jewelry. Be prepared to invest in high-quality, hypoallergenic jewelry to minimize complications.
  • Healing Time: Understand that Snake Eyes piercings can take several weeks to heal, and during this time, you should follow aftercare instructions meticulously.
  • Alternative Piercings: Consider if there are other piercings you may be interested in that could be less risky or have fewer complications.

Snake Eyes Piercing FAQ’s

What To Do Before Getting A Snake Eye Piercing

Use a piercer with a good reputation and ask inquiries as much as possible to safeguard yourself against any risky procedures. Find a different piercer if you don’t feel happy about the current one.

Find a piercer who you feel comfortable with and who maintains good cleanliness before having your piercing done. Inquire about the tools he’ll use and the level of sterility applied to everything in his studio.

Ask your piercer to inform you of the typical risks associated with getting a snake eyes piercing before determining whether you want to go with the procedure. Before getting the piercing, you should be aware of every scenario that could possibly go wrong, just in case you change your mind.

You’ll need to buy some aftercare products after learning about the risks and making the decision to forgo caution and try it anyhow. You’ll be able to take care of your new piercing after it’s finished if you do it that way.

What Happens During A Snake Eyes Piercing?

Ensure that the studio follows safe practices, such as having an autoclave sterilizer on site and all necessary certifications, it is a good idea to scope out the facility beforehand.

The procedure for piercing snake eyes is the same as for piercing any other surface piercing. Your tongue will be examined by the specialist performing the procedure to ensure that no nerves or blood vessels will be pierced. They should also ask you to rinse your mouth with an antibacterial oral rinse.

This is a piercing that requires a high degree of precision so you’ll avoid any serious complications that can go along with it. Your piercer will use a medical marker to mark both piercing sites to aid them in getting the right location.

Once the puncture points have been marked, they will ask you to confirm the placement. Keep in mind that placement greatly depends on the anatomy of your tongue, and your piercer must pierce it safely. While you might have some input into where it goes, your tongue will largely determine where it goes.

To prevent you from moving your tongue and preventing them from hitting a vein, they will clamp it in place. The tongue will be poked with a hollow needle. Then the jewelry will be inserted through it, with the bar being concealed inside your tongue and the studs being on either side of the front of your tongue.

Snake eyes piercing aftercare

Though your piercer will give you a specific set of aftercare guidelines to follow, the general things you should be doing to keep your piercing clean and clear of any issues are listed below,

Never touch your piercing without first washing your hands, You must have recently washed your hands even if you intend to clean your piercing. If you don’t, you can be setting yourself up for a whole host of issues. You can pay the price by getting an infection if you introduce dirt or bacteria into the piercing sites.

The healing time for a snake eyes piercing is the same as for other kinds of oral piercings. Always make sure to clean it with a saline piercing aftercare solution two to three times every day. (Because this piercing is inside the mouth, it is advisable to clean it after every meal to remove any food particles.)

DO NOT Use Mouthwash With Alcohol In It. This will hurt and irritate the piercing. In keeping with that, you ought to refrain from eating anything spicy or acidic as your tongue piercing heals. In general, stay away from anything that you wouldn’t want near an open wound.

You can and ought to keep brushing your teeth as normal. If your regular toothpaste has a really minty recipe, you might want to put it off for a few weeks.

Additionally, you must pay attention to the jewelry’s size. In order to accommodate swelling, the piercer will fit you with a larger initial jewelry piece. This will aid in avoiding problems like embedded jewelry, but it will also mean that your jewelry will obstruct your vision a little more. You should see your piercer once the swelling has subsided in about a week to discuss getting fitted with a smaller piece that will be easier to manage.

How long does the snake eyes piercing take to heal?

It Will Take At Least 8 Weeks For The Snake Eyes Piercing To Heal. Remember that this is the bare minimum amount of time for healing; even if you follow all the right procedures, it could still take longer. Because of this, you should never stop using aftercare procedures or switch out jewelry before having your piercer check to see if the piercing has healed.

To avoid having to chew as much, it’s a good idea to start out with soft foods alone. Additionally, you should avoid talking as much as you can because doing so can jolt the jewelry, which could result in jewelry rejection.

How Painful is the snake eyes piercing?

Since pain is a subjective experience, each person will have a varied perception of how much it hurts. One individual may hardly notice their pain, while another may moan about it for days or even weeks. It all comes down to how much pain bothers you and how resilient you are in general.

You’ll experience it for weeks after getting your snake eyes pierced, as you might expect. Just keep in mind that discomfort might also indicate an infection in the tongue in addition to an injury. It could be time to call the doctor if your discomfort is too much for you to handle.

It may be time to suspect an infection if the pain seems to be getting worse and it has been more than a week following your piercing.

Snake Eyes Piercing Jewelry

Snake Eyes piercings require specialized jewelry due to their unique placement and the horizontal orientation of the piercing. The standard jewelry for Snake Eyes piercings consists of two separate barbells, each with a ball or decorative end on one side. Here’s more information on the jewelry typically used for Snake Eyes piercings:

  • Barbells: The jewelry for Snake Eyes piercings consists of two straight barbells. These barbells are designed to pass through the two separate muscles of the tongue at the tip. They are typically made of surgical steel, titanium, or bio-compatible materials.
  • Ball Ends: Each barbell will have a ball or decorative end on one side. These ends come in various sizes and designs, allowing you to personalize your piercing. The ends can be screw-on or threadless, depending on the design and your preferences.
  • Sizing: The length of the barbells should be carefully selected by your piercer to accommodate the thickness of your tongue and ensure a comfortable fit. It’s crucial to avoid jewelry that is too short, as it can cause discomfort and complications.
  • Materials: It’s essential to choose high-quality materials for your Snake Eyes piercing jewelry. Surgical steel and titanium are common choices because they are hypoallergenic and less likely to cause allergic reactions or irritations. High-quality materials also reduce the risk of complications and promote healing.
  • Style and Design: The decorative ends on Snake Eyes jewelry can vary widely in style and design. You can choose from a wide range of options, including plain balls, gemstones, spikes, hearts, stars, and other creative designs. Your choice of decorative ends allows you to personalize your piercing and make it unique to your style.
  • Threaded vs. Threadless: Some Snake Eyes jewelry comes with threaded ends that screw onto the barbells, while others use a threadless design that clicks into place. Both types of jewelry can be suitable, and your piercer can help you select the style that works best for you.

Snake eyes piercing risks

The snake eyes piercing is rather divisive in the piercing community. Many piercers even decline to perform this kind of piercing. Those that do frequently advise against getting pierced, but they still go ahead and do it because they want to make sure you’re getting pierced safely. It’s crucial that you carefully weigh these risks before getting this piercing and possibly choose an alternative tongue piercing design.

Any piercing in the mouth or close to it carries some oral risks. The jewelry might potentially break teeth if you bite on it. When you talk, the jewelry may rub on your teeth and gums, causing enamel wear and receding gum lines, which over time may result in tooth decay. Snake eyes piercings will likely rub against your teeth quite frequently, increasing the risk of tooth damage, whereas lip and standard tongue piercings can be positioned to minimize this damage.

A High Risk Of Jewelry Rejection Also Exists. Speaking causes the tip of your tongue to move frequently, which is bad for healing since it jostles the jewelry in your piercing. Due to this, rejection is frequently experienced with snake eye piercings, which may result in scarring and other complications.


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