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Stick-on Tattoos in Nairobi, Kenya

(Process, Design, Best Placements, Colours, and Considerations)

Stick-on tattoos involve designs that can be applied to the skin for a short period of time. Unlike permanent tattoos, stick-on tattoos do not involve the use of needles or ink injected into the skin. Instead, they are usually made of a thin layer of paper or plastic with the design printed on it, along with a layer of adhesive on the back.

Stick-on Tattoos

But what makes these temporary gems so irresistible? Beyond the absence of needles and ink, stick-on tattoos boast a versatility that appeals to the ever-changing desires of the modern individual. They’re not just accessories; they’re a form of wearable art that adapts to your mood, outfit, or the theme of the moment. From minimalist geometric shapes to vibrant, nature-inspired illustrations, the options are as diverse as the imaginations that conceive them.

Stick-on Tattoo Process

Getting a stick-on tattoo is a simple and enjoyable way to adorn your skin temporarily without the commitment of permanent ink. Whether you’re looking to experiment with a new look, express your creativity, or add a touch of flair to a special occasion, stick-on tattoos provide a hassle-free and accessible solution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the stick-on tattoo process:

  • Choose Your Design

Start by selecting the stick-on tattoo design that resonates with your style and mood. Temporary tattoos come in a wide array of options, ranging from intricate patterns to playful symbols and realistic images.

  • Clean and Dry Your Skin

Before applying the stick-on tattoo, ensure that the chosen area of your skin is clean and dry. Avoid applying lotion or oil to the skin as it may hinder the adhesion of the tattoo.

  • Position the Tattoo

Place the stick-on tattoo on your skin in the desired location. Take a moment to consider the placement, ensuring it aligns with your vision for the design. Keep in mind that stick-on tattoos are easily removable, so don’t hesitate to experiment with different positions.

  • Wet the Backing

Using a damp cloth or sponge, gently wet the backing of the stick-on tattoo. Ensure that the entire design is moistened evenly. The water activates the adhesive on the back of the tattoo, allowing it to adhere to your skin.

  • Press and Hold

Once the backing is sufficiently wet, press the stick-on tattoo onto your skin. Hold it in place for about 30 seconds to a minute, ensuring that the entire design adheres smoothly. Be careful not to move the tattoo during this time to prevent smudging.

  • Peel Off the Backing

Carefully peel off the backing of the stick-on tattoo. If you notice any areas where the tattoo hasn’t adhered properly, press it back onto the skin and hold for a few more seconds.

  • Allow to Dry

Allow the stick-on tattoo to dry completely. This usually takes a few minutes. During this time, avoid touching or rubbing the tattoo to ensure it sets properly.

  • Show off Your Temporary Ink

Once the stick-on tattoo is dry, proudly showcase your temporary ink! Temporary tattoos are designed to last for a short duration, depending on factors such as skin type, location, and care.

Getting a stick-on tattoo is a fun and versatile way to experiment with body art, offering a wide range of designs and a commitment-free experience. Whether you’re adding a touch of glam to your style or preparing for a special event, temporary tattoos provide an accessible avenue for self-expression.

Stick-on Tattoos Design Techniques

Creating stunning stick-on tattoo designs involves a combination of creativity, precision, and an understanding of the temporary nature of these body art forms. Here are some design techniques to help you achieve eye-catching and expressive stick-on tattoos:

Size and Placement

Consider the size and placement of your stick-on tattoo carefully. Smaller, delicate designs are perfect for fingers, wrists, or behind the ear, while larger designs might be more suitable for the forearm, upper arm, or back. The placement can significantly impact the overall aesthetic.


Experiment with layering multiple stick-on tattoos to create a more intricate and personalized design. This technique works especially well with smaller elements, such as stars, hearts, or geometric shapes, which can be combined to form a cohesive and visually appealing composition.

Mixing Styles

Combine different styles to add visual interest. For example, pair a bold tribal pattern with delicate floral elements or mix traditional tattoo motifs with contemporary geometric shapes. This juxtaposition of styles can create a unique and eclectic look.

Gradient and Color Blending

If your stick-on tattoos include color, explore gradient effects or blending techniques to add depth and dimension to your design. This is particularly effective with designs featuring flowers, landscapes, or abstract patterns.


At Rebel Inks Tattoo Removal and Piercings Parlour we offer customizable stick-on tattoos, allowing you to create a design that reflects your personal style. Consider incorporating elements that have special meaning to you, such as symbols, quotes, or dates.

Negative Space

Embrace the power of negative space in your designs. Leaving parts of the skin untouched can create visually interesting patterns and highlight the contrast between the tattoo and the skin, giving the design a more dynamic and modern feel.

Metallic and Glitter Accents

Elevate your stick-on tattoo designs by incorporating metallic or glitter accents. These additions can add a touch of glamour and make your temporary ink truly stand out. Metallics work well for geometric patterns, while glitter can enhance floral or whimsical designs.

Stencils and Patterns

Utilize stencils or templates to achieve precise and intricate patterns. This is particularly useful for designs with detailed linework or repeating motifs. Stencils can help maintain symmetry and ensure a professional-looking finish.

Inspiration from Nature

Nature is a rich source of inspiration for stick-on tattoo designs. Explore botanical elements, animals, or landscapes to create organic and visually appealing compositions. Realistic or stylized depictions of flora and fauna can add a touch of natural beauty to your temporary tattoos.


Tailor your stick-on tattoos to suit specific occasions or moods. For celebrations, consider designs that reflect the theme of the event, and for personal expression, choose symbols or imagery that resonate with your emotions and experiences.

The key to successful stick-on tattoo designs is to have fun and experiment with different techniques. Whether you’re creating your own designs or selecting from a variety of available options, temporary tattoos offer a versatile and enjoyable canvas for expressing your unique style.

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Disclaimer: This is not a confirmed schedule, details provided will aid our specialists in planning a convenient time schedule that favours both parties when they get in touch with you for clarification.

Stick-on Tattoos FAQ’s

Stick-on Tattoos Placement

Choosing the right placement for stick-on tattoos is crucial to achieving the desired aesthetic and ensuring that the temporary body art complements your overall look. Here are some popular and creative stick-on tattoo placement ideas:

  • Wrist and Forearm

The wrist and forearm are classic locations for stick-on tattoos. Whether you opt for a small symbol or a larger, intricate design, this area provides visibility and versatility.

  • Ankle and Calf

Place stick-on tattoos on the ankle or calf for a subtle and elegant look. This is a great choice for both smaller designs and larger, wrap-around patterns.

  • Fingers

Finger tattoos are trendy and can be as bold or delicate as you prefer. Consider small symbols or minimalist designs on one or more fingers for a chic and contemporary appearance.

  • Back of the Neck

The back of the neck is a discreet yet alluring spot for stick-on tattoos. This location works well for smaller designs or script tattoos that can be easily showcased or hidden.

  • Collarbone and Clavicle

Enhance your neckline with stick-on tattoos on the collarbone or clavicle. This placement is ideal for accentuating the natural curves of the body and displaying intricate designs.

  • Behind the Ear

For a subtle and dainty look, consider placing stick-on tattoos behind the ear. This location allows for small, discreet designs that can be easily revealed or concealed.

  • Upper Arm and Shoulder

The upper arm and shoulder provide a larger canvas for stick-on tattoos, making them suitable for more elaborate and detailed designs. This area is often chosen for temporary sleeve tattoos.

  • Ribcage

While stick-on tattoos on the ribcage may be more sensitive, they can create a captivating and unique effect. Consider floral or geometric patterns that follow the natural contours of the ribs.

  • Thigh

The thigh offers ample space for stick-on tattoos, allowing for both small and large designs. This area is versatile and can be easily showcased or concealed based on your clothing choices.

  • Between the Breasts

For a bold and eye-catching look, place stick-on tattoos between the breasts. This location is ideal for symmetrical or centrally focused designs.

  • Lower Back

The lower back, often referred to as the “lower back dimples” or “tramp stamp” area, is another option for stick-on tattoos. This location allows for larger, decorative designs.

  • Hand and Knuckles

For a trendy and edgy appearance, consider stick-on tattoos on the hands or knuckles. This area is suitable for small, minimalist designs or lettering.

  • Inner Arm

Place stick-on tattoos on the inner arm for a more private and subtle effect. This location is versatile and can be easily concealed or revealed based on your clothing choices.

When selecting the placement for your stick-on tattoos, consider factors such as the size of the design, the level of visibility you desire, and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. Temporary tattoos provide an opportunity to experiment with different placements before committing to a permanent design.

Stick-on Tattoos Aftercare

While stick-on tattoos are temporary and don’t require the same level of aftercare as permanent tattoos, proper care can help maximize their lifespan and appearance. Here are some aftercare tips for stick-on tattoos:

  • Avoid Water in the Initial Hours

Refrain from exposing your stick-on tattoo to water immediately after application. Give it some time to set and adhere properly to your skin. This is typically around 1-2 hours, but it’s advisable to follow the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.

  • Gentle Washing

Once the stick-on tattoo has set, you can gently wash the area with mild soap and water. Avoid scrubbing the tattoo, as this could potentially damage or remove it prematurely.

  • Pat Dry

After washing, pat the tattooed area dry with a clean, soft towel. Avoid rubbing the tattoo, as this can cause friction and may lift the edges of the design.

  • Avoid Oils and Lotions

While stick-on tattoos are generally resistant to oils and lotions, excessive use of these products may reduce their lifespan. If you need to apply lotions or oils, do so carefully, avoiding direct contact with the tattoo.

  • Be Cautious During Activities

Engage in activities that are less likely to cause friction or rubbing on the tattooed area. While stick-on tattoos are designed to be durable, excessive rubbing or contact with clothing may lead to premature fading or peeling.

  • Avoid Scratching

Refrain from scratching the tattooed area, as this can cause damage to the design. If you experience any itching, gently pat or tap the area instead of scratching.

  • Keep it Dry

While some stick-on tattoos are water-resistant, prolonged exposure to water can still affect their durability. Avoid activities such as swimming or bathing for extended periods, especially in hot water.

  • Use Sunscreen

If your stick-on tattoo is exposed to the sun, consider applying a layer of sunscreen over it. This can help prevent fading caused by sun exposure.

  • Be Mindful of Clothing

Choose clothing that won’t rub against the tattooed area excessively. Tight or rough fabrics may cause friction and impact the longevity of the stick-on tattoo.

  • Gentle Removal

When you’re ready to remove the stick-on tattoo, do so gently. Use water, rubbing alcohol, or baby oil and avoid pulling or tugging. If there is any resistance, wet the tattooed area again to loosen the adhesive.

Remember that stick-on tattoos are designed for temporary enjoyment, and their lifespan depends on various factors, including skin type, location on the body, and how well you care for them. Following these aftercare tips will help ensure that your stick-on tattoo looks vibrant and lasts for the intended duration.

Factors that you should consider when getting a Stick-on Tattoo

Getting a stick-on tattoo is a fun and temporary way to experiment with body art. While they don’t require the commitment of permanent tattoos, there are still factors to consider to ensure a positive experience. Here are important considerations when getting a stick-on tattoo:

  • Design Choice

Select a design that resonates with your personal style and fits the occasion or mood. Stick-on tattoos come in a wide range of designs, from simple symbols to intricate artwork, so take your time to find something that speaks to you.

  • Size and Placement

Consider the size of the tattoo in relation to the placement on your body. Smaller designs may work well on fingers or wrists, while larger ones may be better suited for the forearm, upper arm, or back. Think about the aesthetics and visibility of the chosen location.

  • Skin Sensitivity

Be mindful of your skin type and any sensitivities or allergies you may have. Check the ingredients of the stick-on tattoo to ensure it doesn’t contain anything that may irritate your skin. If you have a history of skin reactions, consider doing a patch test.

  • Duration of Wear

Temporary tattoos have varying lifespans. Some may last a few days, while others can endure for up to a couple of weeks. Consider how long you want the tattoo to last and choose a product that aligns with your preferences.

  • Event or Occasion

If you’re getting a stick-on tattoo for a specific event or celebration, choose a design that complements the theme. Whether it’s a festival, party, or a special occasion, your temporary ink can be a fun and expressive addition to your overall look.

  • Application and Removal

Familiarize yourself with the application and removal process. Ensure you have access to water for application and know the recommended method for removal, whether it’s water, rubbing alcohol, or baby oil. Following the instructions carefully will help achieve the best results.

  • Customization Options

Some companies offer customization options for stick-on tattoos. If you have a specific design in mind or want to add a personal touch, explore the possibility of creating a custom temporary tattoo.

  • Temporary Nature

Remember that stick-on tattoos are temporary, and their lifespan is influenced by factors such as skin type, location on the body, and care. Embrace the impermanence and enjoy the flexibility of changing your look without long-term commitment.

  • Skin Preparation

Ensure the chosen area of your skin is clean and dry before applying the stick-on tattoo. Avoid applying lotions, oils, or makeup to the area, as these can interfere with the adhesion of the tattoo.

  • Allergies and Sensitivities

If you have a history of skin allergies or sensitivities, it’s crucial to check the ingredients of the stick-on tattoo. Some individuals may be sensitive to adhesives or specific inks, so be cautious and opt for hypoallergenic options if available.

By considering these factors, you can enhance your stick-on tattoo experience, ensuring a seamless application and an enjoyable temporary body art adventure.


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