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Nipple Piercing in Nairobi, Kenya

Nipple piercing is a type of body piercing that involves the placement of a jewelry piece, typically a barbell or captive bead ring, through the nipple. Nipple piercings are becoming more popular these days since they look great, feel great when touched, and look hot. They also provide you with a steady nip erection.

In tight t-shirts, pierced nipples usually stick out more, making them more noticeable.

Whatever your reason for getting your nipple pierced, you must be ready for a lengthy aftercare process. You must take care of your piercing for the duration of its healing time, which could last up to a year, as the nipple is not an easy piercing to heal.

Nipple Piercings

Considerations before getting a Nipple Piercing

Getting a nipple piercing is a personal choice and body modification that should be carefully considered. Here are several important considerations before getting a nipple piercing:

  • Health and Anatomy: Ensure you are in good overall health and that your nipples are free from any infections, irritation, or unusual lumps or bumps. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about your nipple health.
  • Professional Piercer: Choose a reputable and experienced professional piercer who follows strict hygiene and safety protocols. Ask for recommendations, read reviews, and visit the piercing studio beforehand to assess its cleanliness and professionalism.
  • Legal Age: Make sure you are of legal age to get a nipple piercing in your area. The age requirement may vary by location, so check local regulations. At Rebel Inks Tattoo Removal and Piercings Parlour we DO NOT perform Nipple piercings to any one under the age of 18.
  • Jewelry Material: Discuss jewelry material options with your piercer. Implant-grade surgical stainless steel, titanium, niobium, and solid 14k or 18k gold are generally considered safe and hypoallergenic choices. Avoid low-quality or nickel-containing jewelry, as it can cause allergic reactions.
  • Pain Tolerance: Nipple piercings can be quite painful, as the nipple is a sensitive area with many nerve endings. Be prepared for discomfort during and after the piercing.
  • Healing Time: Nipple piercings can take several months to a year or more to fully heal. During this time, you should follow strict aftercare instructions to minimize the risk of infection and complications.
  • Lifestyle and Activities: Consider how a nipple piercing might impact your daily life and activities. Avoid rough physical activities, swimming in pools or hot tubs, or wearing tight or restrictive clothing during the initial healing period.
  • Sensitivity: Nipple sensitivity can temporarily change after getting a piercing. Some people may experience increased sensitivity, while others may have decreased sensitivity. Be aware of these potential changes.
  • Infection Risk: Understand that there is a risk of infection with any piercing. Proper aftercare and hygiene are crucial to minimize this risk.
  • Allergies and Sensitivities: If you have known allergies or sensitivities to certain metals or materials, make sure to inform your piercer to ensure that appropriate jewelry is used.
  • Personal Comfort: Think about how comfortable you are with the idea of having a visible piercing, especially if it may be visible through clothing.
  • Consultation: Before getting a nipple piercing, consult with your chosen piercer. At Rebel Inks Tattoo Removal and Piercings Parlour we will assess your anatomy, discuss placement options, and answer any questions you may have.
  • Commitment: Nipple piercings are a permanent modification. While they can be removed, it’s important to understand that the holes may not fully close, and scarring may remain.

Everyone’s experience with nipple piercings is different, and while some people have smooth healing processes, others may encounter complications. Ensure you are fully informed, and carefully follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. If you have any doubts or concerns, it’s best to consult with a professional piercer before proceeding.

Make sure your nipple is pierced in a sterile studio by a qualified specialist. Never do it yourself or allow a friend to pierce your nipple.

When you choose a place to get pierced, make sure:

  • The studio is clean.
  • Before and after the piercing, the staff member washes their hands.
  • They wear a new pair of disposable latex gloves while they pierce you.
  • They don’t use piercing guns. These can’t be properly sterilized.
  • Piercings are done with sterile, single-use needles sealed in a packet that’s opened in front of you.
  • A staff member asks you if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding and refuses to pierce you if you say yes.
  • Nipple piercing equipment and rings are sterilized in a machine called an autoclave.
  • They give you detailed instructions on how to care for your nipple after it’s pierced.
  • Your jewelry is the right size for your nipple.

Nipple Piercings FAQ’s

What age is required to have your nipples pierced?

In order to have a piercing in Kenya, you must be older than 18, and the studio may be breaching the law if they offer piercings to anyone younger.

How Painful is a Nipple Piercing

Everyone is unique, therefore while many claim the piercing is painless, some have claimed it’s very painful. The degree of pain you experience from the piercing depends on how sensitive your nipples are.

The good news is that the discomfort experienced as the needle punctures the skin won’t last more than a few seconds. You can anticipate some soreness and sensitivity following the piercing for a few days, but it shouldn’t be agonizing.

Find a piercer that you trust and feel at ease with, especially for the nipple piercing. Because they will reserve a private space for you, it is extremely important to arrange an appointment to have your nipples pierced. Reputable piercers will take every precaution to make sure you’re comfortable, so tell them if you feel uneasy or anxious at any time throughout the session so they can take the necessary steps to ease your anxiety.

How long does it take for a Nipple Piercing to fully heal?

You may notice a white crust forming while your nipple heals. Your nipple may occasionally feel itchy, irritable, or sore. You might even see some waxy oozing or crust when it heals.

The healing process for a nipple piercing may take up to 12 months or even longer. You should have a piercer confirm that it is totally healed before discontinuing aftercare procedures and switching out the jewelry because it will appear healed on the outside before it has entirely healed on the inside.

Because nipple piercings take a long time to heal, people who get them frequently make the healing process longer by ceasing aftercare too soon. They switch their nipple piercing jewellery after concluding that their piercing has entirely healed, which damages the flesh that is still healing inside the piercing. At this point, issues like nipple piercing lumps start to appear. When the jewelry for a nipple piercing is changed too quickly, stress to the piercing site can result, which frequently results in piercing bumps. Avoid this by delaying changing your nipple piercing jewelry until a piercer has given the go-ahead.

Consult a doctor if you observe any of these symptoms of an infected nipple:
  • Nipple oozes an unfavorable yellow, green, or brown discharge or odor.
  • Hot, sensitive, or painful nipple
  • Redness that radiates from the piercing
  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Body aches, Rash, Fatigue

Keep an eye out for any signs of infection or complications, such as excessive redness, swelling, pain, discharge that is yellow or green, or the development of a fever. If you suspect an infection, consult a healthcare professional promptly.

It’s crucial to choose a reputable piercer and follow their aftercare instructions carefully. They will provide guidance specific to your piercing and anatomy. If you experience any unusual or severe symptoms during the healing period, don’t hesitate to contact your piercer or a healthcare provider for guidance and assessment.

Is it normal for nipple piercings to scab?

Like any other piercing, they could somewhat scab. However, you should generally make an appointment with your body piercer as soon as possible if you are concerned about excessive scabbing. However, if they believe the infection needs urgent attention, they would typically advise you to speak to a GP. It is advisable to remove the piercing right away and seek medical assistance right away if your breast swells and you feel pain on the inside of your breast or in your armpit.

Nipple Piercing Aftercare

Proper nipple piercing aftercare is essential for ensuring a smooth healing process and reducing the risk of infection or complications. Here are some guidelines to follow for nipple piercing aftercare and healing:

Aftercare Instructions:

  • Clean Hands: Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your piercing.
  • Saline Solution Soaks: Soak your nipple piercing in a saline solution at least twice a day. To make a saline solution, mix 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt with 8 ounces of warm distilled water. Avoid using table salt as it may contain impurities. Soak a clean cotton ball or gauze pad in the saline solution and gently place it over the piercing for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse: After the saline soak, rinse the piercing with warm water to remove any salt residue. Pat it dry gently with a clean, disposable paper towel or use a sterile gauze pad.
  • Avoid Over-Cleaning: While cleaning is important, over-cleaning can be harmful. Stick to the recommended twice-daily routine to avoid irritating the piercing.
  • Avoid Rotation: Do not twist or turn the jewelry during the healing process. This can introduce bacteria and delay healing.
  • Avoid Tight or Friction-Inducing Clothing: Wear loose-fitting clothing to prevent friction and irritation. Tight or abrasive fabrics can rub against the piercing and hinder the healing process.
  • Sports and Physical Activity: Avoid strenuous physical activities or sports that may put pressure on the piercing or expose it to sweat, dirt, or bacteria during the initial healing period.
  • Avoid Pools and Hot Tubs: Stay away from pools, hot tubs, and natural bodies of water until your piercing is fully healed to prevent contamination.
  • Sexual Activity: Engage in sexual activity with caution during the healing process. Ensure that your partner’s body and hands are clean to avoid introducing bacteria.
  • Pain and Swelling: Some pain, swelling, and tenderness are normal during the initial days and weeks. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort, but consult with your piercer or a healthcare professional for guidance.

Please be aware that the only thing you should use on your healing nipple piercing is saline solution (salt and water). Use neither tea tree oil nor your aftercare spray for piercings if they both have additives (it’s become common to add certain essential oils). These chemical additions can harm the skin and cause problems like nipple piercing bumps because healing skin is extremely sensitive, especially the skin on your nipples.

Here are some more techniques to take care of your nipple piercing so that you can keep it healthy and free from issues.
  • Pick the correct starter jewelry since nipples and other softer places are more likely to be susceptible to jewelry rejection. The appropriate starter jewelry can help you prevent a lot of jewelry rejection. When making jewelry, you should pick premium metals like 14k gold or titanium. Anything made of less expensive alloys can irritate the skin. Additionally, you should pick jewelry that is light, won’t pull on the piercings, and is still big enough to tolerate swelling as the piercings heal.
  • If your nipple piercing bleeds in the first few days after getting it, don’t panic. Due to the sensitivity of the skin in this area, this side effect is rather typical. Just be mindful and avoid wearing clothes and undergarments that you care about staining. Speak with your piercer if your nipple piercing is bleeding weeks or months after the initial piercing because it could be an indication of a problem.
  • Don’t pick at a nipple piercing crust. Nipple piercings frequently experience discharge, which dries and hardens to produce a crust. Along with being ugly, it can make the nipple piercing itchy. Avoid rubbing or picking at a crusty nipple piercing. As an alternative, you might carefully soak the crusties in saline solution until they become soft, then gently wipe them away with a fresh piece of paper towel while being careful not to damage the piercing.
Do nipple piercings permanently harden the nipples?

Your nipples may become slightly more noticeable after getting pierced (because of the piercing worn), but they won’t remain erect over time.

If I get a nipple piercing, can I still breastfeed?

You can still nurse, but when the time comes, you’ll have to deal with your piercings. When it’s time for the baby’s dinner, some women switch to bars and simply pull them out, slipping them back in once they’ve all been fed. If you decide to continue breastfeeding in the future, the scar tissue shouldn’t stand in your way.

Will the Piercing Close Up?

To nurse, some women take off their nipple rings. A piercing can let milk leak. After a few weeks, the hole can shrink smaller or seal up. But once you’ve finished nursing, you should be able to insert your nipple ring once more.

Visit a reputable studio to have it redone if your piercing closes up for whatever reason. Never attempt to pierce it again yourself.

Nipple Piercing Jewelry

Nipple piercing jewelry comes in various styles, materials, and designs, allowing individuals to express their personal style and preferences. Here are some common types of nipple piercing jewelry:

  • Barbells: Barbells are a popular choice for nipple piercings. They consist of a straight or curved bar with threaded ends that screw into place, keeping the jewelry secure. Barbells can vary in length, gauge (thickness), and decorative features such as beads, gems, or spikes.
  • Captive Bead Rings (CBRs): Captive bead rings are circular rings that feature a small bead or ball that is held in place by the tension of the ring. The bead can be removed to insert or remove the jewelry. CBRs come in different diameters and gauges, offering versatility in style and fit.
  • Circular Barbells: Circular barbells, also known as horseshoe rings, are similar to captive bead rings but have a more pronounced horseshoe shape. They feature removable beads or balls on each end and are available in various sizes and designs.
  • Nipple Shields: Nipple shields are decorative pieces that cover the areola and nipple, typically featuring intricate designs, dangling chains, or charms. They are often worn for aesthetic purposes and can add a bold statement to nipple piercings.
  • Nipple Clickers: Nipple clickers are a type of barbell with a hinged design that allows for easy insertion and removal without unscrewing the ends. They typically feature decorative elements like gems, designs, or chains.
  • Straight Barbells: Straight barbells are simple bar-shaped jewelry pieces with threaded ends. They are available in various lengths and gauges and can be adorned with decorative ends such as beads, gems, or spikes.
  • Surface Bars: Surface bars are specifically designed for surface piercings, which can include nipple piercings. They feature a straight or curved bar with flat ends that sit flush against the skin to minimize irritation and promote healing.
  • Materials: Nipple piercing jewelry can be made from a variety of materials, including surgical steel, titanium, gold, niobium, and bio-compatible plastics. It’s essential to choose hypoallergenic materials to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and ensure proper healing.

When selecting nipple piercing jewelry, it’s crucial to consider factors such as personal style, comfort, and compatibility with your piercing anatomy. Additionally, proper sizing and hygiene are essential for maintaining the health and longevity of your nipple piercings.


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