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Realism Tattoos in Nairobi, Kenya

(Techniques, Considerations, Healing, and Aftercare)

Realism tattoos are a style of tattooing that aims to create highly detailed and lifelike images on the skin. These tattoos strive to replicate the appearance of real objects, people, or scenes, often using photographs or other visual references as inspiration. Realism tattoos require a skilled tattoo artist with a keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of shading, color blending, and perspective.

Realism Tattoos

The process of creating a realism tattoo involves careful planning, meticulous execution, and the use of various techniques to achieve the desired level of realism. At Rebel Inks Tattoo Kenya we work with a combination of shading, highlighting, and precise line work to capture the intricate details and textures of the subject matter.

To create a realism tattoo st Rebel Inks Tattoo Kenya we employ different techniques such as stippling, dotwork, or color blending to achieve a more realistic effect.

When getting a realism tattoo, it’s crucial to choose an experienced tattoo artist who specializes in this style. Look for an artist with a portfolio that showcases their skills in realism, as it requires a high level of technical expertise and artistic talent. Additionally, it’s important to have clear communication with your artist about your desired design, as well as realistic expectations regarding the final outcome.

Keep in mind that realism tattoos can be time-consuming and may require multiple sessions to complete, especially for larger or more complex designs. The level of discomfort experienced during the tattooing process will vary from person to person, but it’s generally advisable to prepare for some level of pain or discomfort.

It’s worth noting that realism tattoos, like any other tattoos, will require proper aftercare to ensure proper healing and long-term preservation of the tattoo’s quality. Following your tattoo artist’s instructions regarding cleaning, moisturizing, and protecting the tattooed area is essential.

Realism tattoos can be incredibly striking and visually captivating when executed by a skilled artist. They offer a way to permanently display detailed artwork on your body, creating a unique and personal form of self-expression.

Realism Tattoo Styles and Design Techniques

Realism tattoos encompass a wide range of styles and design techniques. Here are some popular styles and techniques commonly used in realism tattooing:


Portraits involve the detailed representation of a person’s face or body. This style aims to capture the likeness and features of the individual with high precision.

Wildlife and Nature

Realistic tattoos of animals, birds, flowers, trees, and landscapes are commonly done in the realism style. These tattoos focus on capturing the intricate details, textures, and colors found in nature.

Still Life

Still life tattoos depict inanimate objects like fruit, food, or everyday objects with a focus on replicating their realistic appearance and texture.

3D Effects

This technique creates the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality, making the tattoo design appear as if it’s popping off the skin.


Hyperrealism takes realism to the next level by emphasizing extreme details, textures, and shading techniques. These tattoos often have an almost photographic quality.

Black and Grey Realism

This style primarily uses black and shades of grey to create a realistic image. The artist employs different shades of grey and varying levels of saturation to achieve depth and dimension.

color-realism -tattoos
Color Realism

Color realism tattoos incorporate a wide range of colors to bring the design to life. The artist skillfully blends and shades colors to replicate the vibrant hues found in the subject matter.

Fine Line Realism

This technique involves using fine, delicate lines to create intricate details and textures. It requires precision and a steady hand to achieve a realistic effect.

Textures and Details

Realism tattoos often focus on capturing intricate textures such as fur, feathers, skin, or fabric. The artist employs various shading techniques, stippling, or dotwork to replicate these details accurately.

Optical Illusions

Some realism tattoos play with optical illusions, creating designs that trick the eye and mind. These tattoos often involve creative interpretations of depth, perspective, or visual distortions.


It’s important to note that not all tattoo artists specialize in every style or technique. When seeking a realism tattoo, it’s advisable to find an artist who has a strong portfolio showcasing their expertise in the specific style or technique you desire. Additionally, discussing your ideas and references with the artist can help them understand your vision and create a design that meets your expectations.

Schedule Appointment

Disclaimer: This is not a confirmed schedule, details provided will aid our specialists in planning a convenient time schedule that favours both parties when they get in touch with you for clarification.

Realism Tattoos Design FAQ’s

Factors that you should consider when getting a Realism Tattoo

When getting a realism tattoo, there are several important factors to consider to ensure a successful and satisfying experience. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Research and Choose a Skilled Artist: Realism tattoos require a high level of technical skill and artistic talent. Take the time to research and choose an experienced tattoo artist who specializes in realism. Look at their portfolio to assess the quality of their work and see if their style aligns with your vision.
  • Communication and Consultation: Schedule a consultation with your chosen artist to discuss your ideas, design concepts, and any specific details you want to include in your tattoo. Clear communication is crucial to ensure that the artist understands your vision and can bring it to life accurately.
  • Realistic Expectations: While realism tattoos aim to replicate the appearance of real objects, it’s important to have realistic expectations. Understand that certain design elements or complexities may need to be modified or adjusted to suit the medium of tattooing. Trust your artist’s expertise in translating your concept into a tattoo while maintaining the integrity of the design.
  • Placement: Consider the placement of your realism tattoo carefully. Certain areas of the body may be better suited for the level of detail and size you desire. Additionally, think about how the tattoo will interact with your body’s natural movements, such as stretching or flexing, as this can affect how the tattoo ages over time.
  • Size and Detail: Realism tattoos often require a significant amount of space to capture the desired level of detail. Discuss with your artist the appropriate size for your chosen design to ensure that all the important elements are included and that the tattoo will age well.
  • Patience and Multiple Sessions: Realism tattoos can be time-consuming and may require multiple sessions to complete, particularly for larger or more complex designs. Understand that achieving a highly detailed and realistic tattoo takes time, and be prepared for the process to extend over several sessions.
  • Aftercare: Proper aftercare is essential to promote proper healing and preserve the quality of your realism tattoo. Follow your artist’s instructions regarding cleaning, moisturizing, and protecting the tattooed area. Avoid exposing the tattoo to excessive sunlight, water, or harsh chemicals during the healing process.

Long-Term Commitment: Realism tattoos are a permanent form of body art. Consider your long-term commitment to the design and make sure it holds personal significance to you. Take your time in selecting a design that you’ll be happy with for years to come.

Realism Tattoos Pain Threshold

Pain tolerance varies from person to person, so it’s difficult to provide an exact measure of pain for realism tattoos. However, realism tattoos typically involve longer sessions and intricate detailing, which may result in more discomfort compared to simpler tattoo styles. The pain experienced during a tattoo session can depend on various factors, including individual pain threshold, the location of the tattoo, and the artist’s technique.

Some areas of the body tend to be more sensitive and may cause more discomfort during tattooing. These areas include the ribs, collarbone, feet, hands, inner bicep, and certain parts of the face. Conversely, areas with more flesh, such as the upper arm, outer thigh, or calf, are generally considered less painful.

To manage the pain during a realism tattoo session, here are a few strategies you can consider:

  • Communication: Communicate openly with your tattoo artist about your pain tolerance and any concerns you may have. They can adjust their technique or take breaks if needed.
  • Numbing Cream: Some individuals choose to use a numbing cream or ointment before the tattoo session to help minimize discomfort. Keep in mind that not all artists recommend or allow the use of numbing creams, as they can affect the tattooing process.
  • Distraction Techniques: Bringing headphones and listening to music, audiobooks, or podcasts can help divert your attention from the pain. Engaging in conversation with your artist or focusing on deep breathing exercises can also serve as distractions.
    Pain Management
  • Techniques: Practice deep breathing, meditation, or other relaxation techniques to help manage pain and promote a sense of calm during the tattooing process.

Remember, pain is subjective, and everyone’s experience will differ. It’s essential to discuss your concerns with your tattoo artist, who can provide guidance based on their experience and knowledge.

Realism Tattoos aftercare

Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the healing and longevity of your realism tattoo. Here are some essential steps to follow during the aftercare process:

  • Follow Your Artist’s Instructions: At Rebel Inks Tattoo Kenya we will provide specific aftercare instructions tailored to your tattoo and your preferred method. It’s important to follow our guidance closely as we know the specifics of your tattoo and its placement.
  • Keep the Tattoo Clean: Gently wash your tattoo with lukewarm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap. Use your clean hands or a soft, non-abrasive cloth to clean the tattooed area. Avoid using harsh soaps, scrubbing, or excessive rubbing, as it can damage the tattoo or irritate the skin.
  • Apply an Aftercare Ointment or Moisturizer: After washing, apply a thin layer of aftercare ointment or moisturizer recommended by your artist. These products help keep the tattoo moisturized and protect it from drying out. Use only the amount necessary to create a thin barrier—over-applying can suffocate the tattoo.
  • Protect from Sunlight: Direct sunlight can fade and damage your tattoo. Avoid exposing your new tattoo to prolonged sunlight or tanning beds. If you’re outside, cover the tattoo or use a broad-spectrum, high-SPF sunscreen to protect it. Apply sunscreen after the tattoo has fully healed.
  • Avoid Soaking: For the first few weeks, avoid soaking the tattoo in bodies of water like swimming pools, hot tubs, or natural bodies of water. Prolonged exposure to water can increase the risk of infection and slow down the healing process.
  • Avoid Scratching or Picking: Itching is a normal part of the healing process, but resist the urge to scratch or pick at the tattoo. Scratching can damage the healing skin and pull out ink, leading to patchy areas or even infections. Gently pat or tap the itchy area instead.
  • Wear Loose and Breathable Clothing: Opt for loose-fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics to avoid unnecessary friction and irritation on the tattooed area. Tight clothing can rub against the tattoo, potentially causing discomfort and affecting the healing process.
  • Monitor for Signs of Infection: Keep an eye on your tattoo for any signs of infection, such as excessive redness, swelling, pus, or prolonged pain. If you suspect an infection, contact your tattoo artist or seek medical advice promptly.

Remember, the healing process varies for each individual and tattoo. On average, it takes about 2-4 weeks for a tattoo to heal fully. However, the complete healing may take longer for larger or more intricate tattoos. Patience and proper aftercare are key to ensuring your realism tattoo heals well and retains its quality over time.


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