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Snake Bites Piercing in Nairobi, Kenya

The snake bite piercing is distinguished by its dramatic appearance; two sizable piercings are seen just below your bottom lip. The name of the piercing is derived from the appearance it gives you: as if you have the fangs of a snake, or as if a snake bit you right there!

The piercing procedure is quite simple, however keep in mind that you must do it twice! The outer skin is first cleaned and labeled to ensure proper fitment. The skin is clamped or held taut, and the lip is dragged down and away from the rest of the mouth until you are convinced the markings are exactly where you want your snake bite piercings to go. The clamps are then released, the jewelry is inserted into the opening, and a cannula needle is inserted from the exterior lip to the inside. Then, repeat the entire process.

Snake Bites Piercings

Considerations Before Getting a Snake Bites Piercing

Before deciding to get snake bites piercings, there are several important factors to consider to ensure a smooth process and successful healing. Here are the key considerations:

  • Health and Medical Conditions
    – General Health: Ensure you are in good health. Chronic conditions, such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders, can affect healing.
    – Allergies: Identify any metal allergies you might have. Choose hypoallergenic materials like titanium or niobium if you have sensitivities.
    – Medications: Inform our piercer if you are taking any medications, especially blood thinners, which can increase bleeding.
  • Professional Piercer Selection
    – Research: Choose a reputable piercer with experience in lip piercings. Look for professional certifications and read reviews.
    – Consultation: Schedule a consultation to discuss the procedure, aftercare, and any questions you have. Ensure you feel comfortable with the piercer.
  • Pain and Healing
    – Pain Tolerance: Understand that pain levels vary. Snake bites piercings are generally described as a sharp pinch followed by some throbbing.
    – Healing Time: Expect 6-8 weeks for initial healing, with up to 3 months for complete healing. Consider your lifestyle and any upcoming events during this period.
  • Aftercare Commitment
    – Daily Cleaning: You will need to clean the piercings twice daily with a saline solution or a recommended aftercare product.
    – Oral Hygiene: Rinse your mouth after eating, drinking, or smoking. Avoid touching the piercings with unclean hands.
    – Dietary Restrictions: Be prepared to avoid spicy, acidic, and overly hot foods and beverages that can irritate the piercings.
  • Potential Risks and Complications
    – Infection: Proper aftercare minimizes this risk, but you need to monitor for signs such as excessive redness, swelling, or pus.
    – Swelling and Bruising: Some swelling and bruising are normal initially. Cold compresses can help manage this.
    – Teeth and Gum Damage: Constant contact with the jewelry can damage teeth or gums. Ensure proper fitting and be mindful of any changes in oral health.
    – Scarring: There is a possibility of scarring, especially if you decide to remove the piercings.
  • Lifestyle and Work
    – Professional Environment: Consider your workplace dress code and policies regarding visible piercings.
    – Activities: High-contact sports or activities may increase the risk of injury to the piercings. Plan accordingly.
  • Financial Considerations
    – Cost: Factor in the cost of the piercings, which includes the procedure, initial jewelry, and aftercare products.
    – Maintenance: Consider ongoing costs for replacing jewelry and potential additional care products.
  • Personal Motivation
    – Reasoning: Reflect on why you want the piercings. Ensure it’s a well-considered decision and not impulsive.
    – Support System: Discuss your decision with friends or family who can provide support and advice.

Pain and Healing of Snake Bites Piercing

Understanding the pain and healing process of snake bites piercings is crucial for anyone considering this type of body modification. Here is a detailed guide on what to expect:

  • Pain Level
    – Initial Piercing: Most individuals describe the pain during the piercing process as a sharp, brief pinch followed by a throbbing sensation. The pain level varies depending on individual pain tolerance but is generally moderate.
    – Post-Piercing: After the initial piercing, some swelling, soreness, and tenderness around the piercing sites are normal. This discomfort usually subsides within a few days.
Factors Influencing Pain
  • Individual Pain Tolerance: Everyone has a different threshold for pain, so experiences can vary.
  • Piercer’s Skill: A skilled and experienced piercer can make the process quicker and less painful.
  • Mental Preparation: Being mentally prepared and relaxed can help reduce the perception of pain.
Healing Process

Healing Stages

  • Initial Healing (First Few Days)
    – Swelling and Redness: Expect some swelling and redness around the piercings. This is a normal response to the trauma.
    – Discomfort: The area may feel tender, and you might experience minor bleeding or oozing of clear fluid.
  • Intermediate Healing (Weeks 1-4)
    – Formation of Fistula: The body starts forming a tunnel (fistula) around the jewelry, which is crucial for proper healing.
    – Reduced Swelling: Swelling and redness should decrease gradually. If it persists or worsens, consult your piercer or a healthcare professional.
    – Itching and Minor Crusting: Itching is common as the piercing heals, and you might notice minor crusting around the jewelry. Do not pick at the crust; clean gently.
  • Final Healing (Weeks 4-8 and Beyond)
    – Complete Healing: The piercings will continue to strengthen and become more stable. Full healing can take up to 3 months.
    – Normal Appearance: By this stage, the piercings should look and feel normal with no pain or discomfort.
Factors Affecting Healing
  • Aftercare Routine: Adhering to a strict aftercare routine is crucial for preventing infections and promoting healing.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Avoid smoking, alcohol, and foods that can irritate the piercings. Maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Overall Health: Your general health and immune system efficiency play significant roles in how quickly you heal.

Snake Bites Piercings Aftercare

Proper aftercare is essential for ensuring your snake bites piercings heal well and to prevent complications such as infections or scarring. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to care for your new piercings:

Cleaning Routine
  • Saline Solution Soaks
    – Frequency: Clean your piercings twice daily, once in the morning and once before bed.
    – How to Prepare: Use a pre-made sterile saline solution or make your own by mixing 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt with 8 ounces of warm distilled water.
    – Application: Soak a clean cotton ball or gauze pad in the saline solution and gently press it against each piercing for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can use a spray saline solution directly on the piercings.
  • Oral Rinses
    – Frequency: Rinse your mouth with an alcohol-free, antiseptic mouthwash or saline solution after eating, drinking, or smoking.
    – How to Prepare: For a homemade rinse, dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt in 8 ounces of warm distilled water.
    – Application: Swish the solution around your mouth for 30 seconds, ensuring it reaches all areas.
General Aftercare Tips
  • Avoid Touching
    – Hands Off: Do not touch or twist your jewelry with unclean hands. Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching the piercings.
  • Avoid Irritants
    – Food and Drink: Stay away from spicy, acidic, or overly hot foods and beverages during the initial healing period. These can irritate the piercings.
    – Products: Avoid using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or any harsh chemicals on the piercings.
  • Oral Hygiene
    – Brushing: Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid irritating the piercings.
    – Flossing: Floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Jewelry Care
    Check Tightness: Ensure your jewelry is secure but not too tight. Check the balls or ends regularly to make sure they are screwed on tightly.
    Avoid Changing Jewelry Early: Do not change your jewelry until the piercings are fully healed, usually around 8-12 weeks.
Monitoring and Managing Healing
  • Normal Healing Signs
    – Swelling and Redness: Some swelling and redness are normal during the first few days.
    – Discharge: Clear or slightly whitish discharge is normal as your body heals.
  • Warning Signs of Complications
    – Infection: Symptoms include persistent redness, swelling, excessive pain, and yellow or green pus. If you suspect an infection, consult your piercer or a healthcare professional.
    – Rejection or Migration: Signs include the jewelry moving from its original position or the skin becoming thin over the jewelry.
  • Swelling Management
    – Cold Compresses: Apply a clean, cold compress to the outside of the piercing area to reduce swelling.
    – Elevate Head: Sleep with your head elevated to reduce overnight swelling.
Lifestyle Adjustments
  • Avoid Trauma
    – No Playing with Jewelry: Avoid fiddling with the jewelry or putting pressure on the piercings.
    – Protect During Activities: Be cautious during physical activities or contact sports. Consider using a mouthguard if necessary.
  • Avoid Oral Contact
    – No Kissing or Oral Sex: Avoid activities that involve contact with the mouth area during the initial healing period.
Long-term Care
  • Regular Cleaning
    – Maintain a Routine: Even after the initial healing period, continue to clean your piercings regularly to prevent buildup of bacteria and debris.
  • Jewelry Changes
    – Professional Help: When changing jewelry for the first time, consider having it done by your piercer to avoid complications.
    – Quality Jewelry: Always use high-quality jewelry made of biocompatible materials to minimize irritation and allergic reactions.

By adhering to these aftercare guidelines, you can ensure that your snake bites piercings heal properly and remain healthy. If you have any concerns or questions during the healing process, don’t hesitate to reach out to your professional piercer for advice and support.

Snake Bites Piercings Jewelry

Choosing the right jewelry for your snake bites piercings is crucial for both aesthetic appeal and successful healing. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make informed decisions about your jewelry options:

Initial Jewelry Options
  • Labret Studs: A labret stud consists of a flat disc on one end and a removable ball or decorative end on the other. Opt for hypoallergenic materials such as titanium, surgical steel, or biocompatible plastics (PTFE/BioFlex).
    – Why It’s Suitable: The flat back of the labret stud reduces irritation to the gums and teeth during the healing process.
  • Hoops/Rings: Captive bead rings or seamless hoops can be used but are generally recommended after the initial healing period. Choose high-quality materials like titanium or niobium to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. Hoops allow more movement, which can increase the risk of irritation and longer healing times, so they are less commonly recommended for initial piercings.
Jewelry Materials
  • Titanium
    – Pros: Hypoallergenic, lightweight, and strong. Ideal for individuals with metal sensitivities.
    – Cons: More expensive than surgical steel.
  • Surgical Steel
    – Pros: Durable, affordable, and commonly used for body jewelry.
    – Cons: May contain trace amounts of nickel, which can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
  • Niobium
    – Pros: Hypoallergenic, flexible, and available in various colors.
    – Cons: Less widely available and slightly more expensive than surgical steel.
  • Biocompatible Plastics (PTFE/BioFlex)
    – Pros: Flexible, hypoallergenic, and comfortable. Ideal for those with metal allergies.
    – Cons: Less durable than metal options.
Jewelry Sizes
  • Gauge (Thickness)
    – Standard Size: 16 gauge (1.2mm) is the most common thickness for snake bites piercings.
    – Consideration: Ensure the gauge size recommended by your piercer matches your initial jewelry to avoid unnecessary stretching or irritation.
  • Length/Diameter
    – Initial Jewelry: Typically, longer studs (8-12mm) are used initially to accommodate swelling.
    – After Healing: Once healed, you can switch to shorter studs or appropriate-sized hoops. Consult your piercer for the best fit.
Aftercare for Jewelry
  • Regular Cleaning
    – Frequency: Clean your jewelry daily during the healing period with a saline solution or a recommended aftercare product.
    – Method: Remove debris or crusting around the jewelry gently without removing the jewelry itself.
  • Avoiding Irritation
    – No Twisting or Turning: Avoid twisting or turning the jewelry excessively as this can cause irritation and delay healing.
    – Check for Tightness: Ensure that the ends of the jewelry are securely fastened but not overly tight.
  • Switching Jewelry
    – Timing: Only change your jewelry after the piercings are fully healed, typically after 8-12 weeks.
    – Professional Assistance: Consider having the first jewelry change done by your piercer to minimize the risk of complications.

Aesthetic Options

  • Decorative Ends
    – Styles: Choose from a variety of decorative ends such as gems, spikes, or flat discs.
    – Customization: Many options are available for expressing personal style while maintaining comfort and safety.
  • Colors and Finishes
    – Anodized Titanium/Niobium: Available in a range of colors through anodization, providing a unique look without compromising material safety.
    – Polished vs. Matte: Choose a polished finish for a classic look or a matte finish for a more understated appearance.
  • Hoops and Rings
    – Captive Bead Rings: Feature a removable bead that holds the ring closed, available in various designs and materials.
    – Seamless/Segment Rings: Provide a continuous loop with minimal visual interruption, ideal for a sleek look.

By selecting the right jewelry and following proper aftercare guidelines, you can ensure both the aesthetic and health aspects of your snake bites piercings are well taken care of. Always consult with your professional piercer for personalized recommendations and advice.

Cost of a Snake Bites Piercings

The cost of a Snake Bites Piercing can vary widely based on several factors including the location of the piercing studio, the experience of the piercer, and the type of jewelry chosen. Here’s a breakdown of what you can generally expect:

  • Piercing Procedure
    – Base Cost: This cost includes the sterile setup, the actual piercing, and sometimes a basic set of jewelry.
    – Geographic Location: Prices can be higher in metropolitan areas or regions with a higher cost of living. Rebel Inks Tattoos, Tattoo Removal, and Body Piercings Parlour is located in the heart of the Central Business Disrict (CBD) in Nairobi, Kenya, and is easily accessible to both locals and foreigners in the country
  • Jewelry
    Initial Jewelry: The cost of the initial jewelry is often included in the base price, but this can vary. Basic surgical steel labret studs are usually part of the initial cost. However, if you opt for higher-end materials such as titanium or jewelry with gemstones, the price can increase.
    →Surgical Steel
    →Gold,depending on the purity and design.
    →Gemstones/Decorative Ends
  • Aftercare Products
    – Saline Solution
    – Antiseptic Mouthwash
    – Additional Aftercare Products: Depending on recommendations, you might also purchase healing balms or sprays, which can add another amount
  • Additional Costs
    – Consultation Fee: Some high-end studios charge a consultation, though this is often included in the piercing cost.
Factors Influencing the Cost
  • Piercer’s Experience: More experienced and reputable piercers may charge higher rates.
  • Studio Quality: High-end studios with better hygiene standards and facilities will generally cost more.
  • Jewelry Upgrades: Choosing premium jewelry materials or decorative elements will increase the overall cost.
  • Location: As mentioned, urban centers and high-cost areas typically have higher prices.

The cost of Princess Snake Bites Piercings can range significantly based on various factors. It’s always best to consult with your chosen piercing studio for a detailed quote. Investing in a reputable piercer and high-quality jewelry is crucial for ensuring a safe and satisfactory piercing experience.

Possible side effects of Snake Bites Piercings

While snake bites piercings can be an exciting and stylish form of self-expression, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects and complications that can arise. Here’s a detailed overview:

Immediate Side Effects
  • Pain and Swelling
    – Pain: Expect moderate pain during the piercing procedure and some tenderness for a few days afterward.
    – Swelling: Swelling is a natural response and usually subsides within a few days. Cold compresses can help manage this.
  • Bleeding: Minor bleeding is common immediately after the piercing. This should stop within a few hours to a day.
  • Bruising: Some bruising around the pierced area can occur due to trauma to the tissue.
Short-term Side Effects
  • Infection
    – Symptoms: Redness, warmth, pus, and severe pain can indicate an infection.
    – Prevention: Strict adherence to aftercare instructions and maintaining good hygiene can help prevent infections. If you suspect an infection, seek medical advice promptly.
  • Discomfort While Eating and Speaking: Initial discomfort when eating, drinking, and speaking is common as your mouth adjusts to the new jewelry.
  • Excessive Salivation: Increased salivation can occur as your body adjusts to the piercings.
Long-term Side Effects
  • Gum and Tooth Damage
    – Gum Recession: Constant friction between the jewelry and your gums can cause gum recession, potentially leading to periodontal disease.
    – Tooth Erosion: Jewelry can chip or erode tooth enamel over time, particularly if you have metal jewelry.
  • Scarring
    – Hypertrophic Scarring: Raised scars can form around the piercing site.
    – Keloids: In some individuals, keloids (large, raised scars) can develop, particularly if there is a genetic predisposition.
  • Migration and Rejection
    – Migration: The piercing can move from its original placement due to the body’s attempt to push out the foreign object.
    – Rejection: In severe cases, the body might reject the piercing entirely, pushing the jewelry out completely.
  • Allergic Reactions
    – Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to certain metals used in jewelry, such as nickel.
    – Symptoms: Itching, redness, and swelling beyond the normal healing period can indicate an allergic reaction.
    – Prevention: Using hypoallergenic materials like titanium or niobium can reduce the risk.
  • Speech and Dental Issues: Over time, snake bites piercing can affect your speech, particularly if the jewelry is large or constantly in contact with your teeth and gums.
Rare but Serious Complications
  • Bloodborne Infections: If proper sterilization techniques are not used, there’s a risk of transmitting infections like hepatitis or HIV.
  • Nerve Damage: Improper piercing techniques can damage nerves, leading to numbness or loss of sensation in the pierced area.
  • Abscess Formation: Infected piercings can sometimes form abscesses, which are pockets of pus that require medical intervention.
Preventative Measures
  • Choose a Professional Piercer: Ensure your piercer is experienced, follows stringent hygiene practices, and uses sterilized equipment.
  • Follow Aftercare Instructions: Adhering to the recommended aftercare routine is critical for preventing infections and promoting healing.
  • Use High-Quality Jewelry: Invest in high-quality, hypoallergenic jewelry to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and other complications.
  • Monitor Your Piercings: Regularly check for signs of infection, jewelry tightness, and any changes in the piercing site.
  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss regularly, and rinse your mouth with an alcohol-free antiseptic mouthwash after meals.
  • Avoid Trauma to the Piercings: Be careful when eating, drinking, and speaking to avoid hitting or tugging on the jewelry.

By being aware of these potential side effects and taking appropriate preventive measures, you can reduce the risks associated with snake bites piercings and enjoy a smooth healing process. If any issues arise, consult with your piercer or a healthcare professional promptly.

Related Piercing 

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Get In Touch

For more information on the list above and any other special services,please call or come in for free consultation


Kyte KamwiguhKyte Kamwiguh
14:11 25 Jul 24
I can recommend Eric..Rebel Inks Tattoo offer the best,affordable and quality tattoo removal services.If you have unwanted ink,choose Rebel Inks Tattoo,they're the best of the best and the professionalism is a top notch.They ensure you're free from unwanted ink with their Laser Tattoo Removal Technology...I did a Laser Tattoo Removal with them and i can attest they're the best....Kudos Eric...
07:54 23 Jul 24
I would recommend Eric for his professionalism.I got a helix piercing on my right ear,I didn't get any infection and the healing process was quite smooth thanks to Eric aftercare advise.
Kyle ZhouKyle Zhou
06:56 21 Jul 24
Very professional, I got a very nice new tattoo here. Thanks a lot!
Ryan KibetRyan Kibet
14:20 20 Jul 24
Yves DusabimanaYves Dusabimana
19:44 19 Jul 24
Simon CampSimon Camp
20:39 13 Jul 24
Fantastic experience - Eric worked skilfully and patiently to nail the vision of our anniversary tattoo design. It was my partner's first tattoo and she was made to feel very comfortable throughout the process, with no pressure around time to get it just right. Also checked in with us to make sure we were taking care of the new tatts properly. Great people, thoroughly recommended 👍
Moses HingaMoses Hinga
15:14 12 Jul 24
Clearly the best in all body art services. Years of experience, diligence, industrious and a kind individual. Not forgetting his passion for craft in general.
Anderson MureithiAnderson Mureithi
15:10 12 Jul 24
kudos brother,u are great,love ur great skills
Rebeca MendozaRebeca Mendoza
15:27 10 Jul 24
I got my first tattoo here and it was a great experience! He did a great job working with me to make a design I loved and paid a lot of attention to details. The tattoo came out amazing and he made sure to follow up to monitor the healing process. Great place to get a permanent memory of Nairobi!
16:13 07 Jul 24
Great experience, the artist listens and is really diligent. The hygiene and equipment are top notch! Sterilization of equipment and single-use needles. After the tattoo the artist remains in contact with you to follow the progress of the healing of the tattoo and advises you on the products suitable for your tattoos.I highly recommend.
Bram BerkelmansBram Berkelmans
10:16 05 Jul 24
I found Eric’s piercing servicing professional. He asked and listened thoroughly what I exactly requested, then we agreed on the piercing (upper-helix) and procedure. It started with explaining step by step how he would set the piercing and then undertook the work with uttermost detail. I am very happy with the result and also appreciate Eric’s aftersales support and health check-ins.
13:40 03 Jul 24
The tattoo artist was quite professional and overally clean. Great services offered. I'd definitely recommend someone.
celine wairimuceline wairimu
11:26 02 Jul 24
Professional services, and definite results experienced from my visit to the place , anyone looking to get a tattoo ,or a tattoo removal I would highly recommend visiting the premises, I applaud their services.
Mike MutakiMike Mutaki
18:53 30 Jun 24
Awesome experience & tattoo. Would highly recommend !
Stephen mangiStephen mangi
17:17 26 Jun 24
He is a good artist and very professional to his work.
Sesenai KinyuaSesenai Kinyua
10:02 23 Jun 24
My experience at rebel inks was quite interesting. It was my first time getting a tattoo but Eric was very professional and encouraging. After the session he took his time to explain the after care process and even after he followed up on the healing process. I highly recommend this place for anyone thinking about a tattoo or a piercing.
Joy OgutuJoy Ogutu
10:55 21 Jun 24
Had a piercing done. Great professional service. Appreciated the after service care with consistent follow up to check on healing.
Melissa SitumaMelissa Situma
10:50 21 Jun 24
I got my nose pierced here by Eric... He was very informative about the aftercare and checks in regularly on the progress of the healingIt was a generally good experience with good hygiene during the piercing process and has been a smooth healing process.... 10/10
Emmanuel KithongoEmmanuel Kithongo
08:24 18 Jun 24
The art is fantastic,I'm definitely coming back for more. The customer service is also great, making sure I take care of my tattoo until its fully healed . Thanks.
Brigitte BakitaBrigitte Bakita
07:31 17 Jun 24
The best place to have your tattoo, piercing or laser tattoo removal. The process is done with extreme expertise and professionalism, and constant check-ins done throughout the healing process. Highly recommend Rebel Inks 🔥
Sarah HadleySarah Hadley
04:05 15 Jun 24
I cannot say enough about Eric and the experience he gave me. First of all, he fit me in when I was running short on time and helped me to find his shop. I just wanted a meaningful word tattooed and promised it would be small and quick. When I didn't love the fonts we came across, he free-handed a stunning font. He made sure the placement was perfect and checked in with me and we decided to just leave it as the outline without filling it all in and even with the change of plans the line work was perfection. Eric also charged me half of what I was quoted several other places even after he drew the design himself on the spot. It was the best overall experience I've had in a tattoo shop. I cannot speak highly enough of Eric's care for clients, artistic skill, or fairness in operating his business.
kelvin mbushirekelvin mbushire
04:38 10 Jun 24
Trust the process
Jaeda BarnesJaeda Barnes
15:07 06 Jun 24
Eric is an exceptional piercer and also business owner. I am beyond pleased with his talent, his services, follow up care and customer service. He checked in with me each week to ensure my piercing was ok and I was clear on his instructions. I highly recommend Eric and this business. He goes above and beyond to make sure all is well. You won’t be dissapointed!
Simon StSimon St
06:33 06 Jun 24
Billy BettBilly Bett
20:41 04 Jun 24
I got a dollar sign tattooI liked the whole experience 💯💯... Planning to have lots of them... Starting with all the scheduling part and its a good pricing for quality tattoo🔥🔥✌️✌️
13:57 03 Jun 24
I recently got my nose pierced at this shop, and I couldn’t be happier with the experience. Eric, the artist, was incredibly attentive and friendly, offering a thorough consultation before the piercing. He also follows up regularly via text to check on the healing progress and shares usefultips. Highly recommend 👍🏽
Natasha NjugunaNatasha Njuguna
18:59 02 Jun 24
katia sumailkatia sumail
20:28 30 May 24
Work well done 👌🏽 I recommend ✊🏾
Mark KMark K
09:11 30 May 24
Had an awesome experience. The place was super clean. Totally recommend them!
Kenna HopeKenna Hope
12:54 28 May 24
Mike OsoroMike Osoro
11:19 27 May 24
I have been going for laser tattoo removal sessions and I am in my last session now. Eric is very knowledgeable and precise when it came to answering my queries and also in the overall tattoo removal journey. I very highly recommend him. I stay outside Nairobi city and even scheduling my sessions has been very easy all thanks to Eric.
Julia BrodskyJulia Brodsky
09:07 27 May 24
Me and my 3 friends all got ear piercings. Two of us got the conch, one got the upper cartilage, the other got her second holes. He was very professional, clean, accurate, and caring. All 4 of our piercings have healed great and he has been so kind to reach out and care about the aftercare of our piercings. If I lived in Nairobi, I would get all my piercings here! 100% would recommend him to anyone. The titanium jewelry is great quality as well.
Teddy TeddymwasTeddy Teddymwas
04:41 27 May 24
I got a tattoo at rebel inks,and I'm impressed by their creativity and skills. The studio has a friendly atmosphere, and the quality of their work is top-notch and their passion for what they do shines through in every piece.
Maria AguinaMaria Aguina
19:01 24 May 24
Good clean place. Eric was very nice and professional. Explain the do’s and don’ts. Would definitely recommend!!!!
Wendy KarumeWendy Karume
17:46 24 May 24
The piercing was perfectly done with a smooth healing process.
Leon JonesLeon Jones
11:12 23 May 24
bianca chelangatbianca chelangat
14:24 21 May 24
Great experience if you are looking forward to getting your navel pierced: from hygiene, placement of the piercing, guidelines on treatment(cleaning), competence when in need of a check up and very hospitable and friendly place.100% recommendable.
Brian PeterBrian Peter
18:29 20 May 24
I got my first tattoo from Eric and clearly I am impressed by the level of expertise, cleanliness, professionalism and love for body art. I recommend 💯 if you are looking to get tattoos, piercings and tattoo removal too.
Program TestingProgram Testing
15:24 19 May 24
I loved the whole experience having that this was my very first tattoo. The whole process was so smooth and Eric helped me and walked me through the process of after care. I would Highly recommend him to anyone who wants to have their tattoo done
Kagio wambuiKagio wambui
13:03 19 May 24
mahmood Marcelomahmood Marcelo
12:07 19 May 24
Good customer service and deliverance, and so friendly.
Lucy MumbiLucy Mumbi
05:52 15 May 24
Had my septum pierced here.Went really smoothly and healing so well. Everything was explained to me about the process both before and after piercing and the aftercare. I thoroughly enjoyed the service I received . Will definitely get pierced here again
Precious MitchellPrecious Mitchell
14:56 14 May 24
Amazing experience. Super caring tattoo artist. The shop was very clean and hygienic. Eric was so kind and walked me through the entire tattoo process. Would highly recommend!!!!
samantha anzemosamantha anzemo
08:37 14 May 24
Removed two of my tattoos .Very professional,he checks up and ensures you’re doing well.I highly recommend coming to rebel ink.
13:59 12 May 24
The place is clean and nice they of quality service interms of quality and colour tattos and they offer tattoo removal services offer which is Good and is not available all over Kenya
Marco CattaneoMarco Cattaneo
08:11 10 May 24
Deneil ChristianDeneil Christian
06:32 04 May 24
My experience at Rebel Inks was exceptional. It was my first time getting a piercing, and I was understandably nervous. However, Eric, the piercer, was reassuring and professional. He explained the earlobe piercing process in detail and answered all of my questions before beginning.I was particularly impressed with Eric's attention to hygiene. He thoroughly cleaned the room before I entered, sanitized all of the equipment he would be using, and changed gloves between each ear. This level of cleanliness gave me great confidence in his professionalism.Eric's commitment to customer service did not end on the day of the piercing. He followed up with me regularly throughout the healing process to ensure that I was following the aftercare instructions and that my earlobes were healing properly.I highly recommend Rebel Inks to anyone in Nairobi who is considering getting a piercing. Eric is a highly skilled and experienced piercer who takes great pride in his work.
Josephine TumaleoJosephine Tumaleo
15:27 03 May 24
This is my first piecing and was recommended @Rebel Inks Tattoos by a previous client. The Nose Piercing was well done and I am a satisfied clientSo I Check all the boxes below and more:Customer Care: ✔️Professionalism : ✔️Cleanliness ✔️Price: ✔️After care service ✔️Thanks and good job, Eric
Melanie TilleMelanie Tille
08:16 01 May 24
I recently got inked by Eric, and I couldn't be happier! He did an incredible job, was super friendly and was so flexible with my small motives. The studio was clean, and the atmosphere was nice. I highly recommend the studio.
16:03 27 Apr 24
Great service!
Halima AbdiHalima Abdi
13:50 27 Apr 24
My family and i got lots of piercing and the experience was quite amazing .
Ms WambuiMs Wambui
12:50 27 Apr 24
Tatoo done by Erick. Professionalism on point. Plus really helpful after care service. Definitely recommend.
Alexy De CyrusAlexy De Cyrus
07:24 27 Apr 24
Elsie WacuElsie Wacu
20:38 24 Apr 24
I got my belly button piercing from Eric. I have had 2 piercings done before and I've never received service as good as his. He explained the piercing and after care processes in detail and was very patient with my many questions...I'm considering paying him school fees 😂. His hygiene standards are very high and he used a disposable sterilized needle. He followed up on my healing progress weekly...I felt like we were healing together 😅. I wish it was possible to give 10 stars. I'm definitely having my future piercings done with him and I'm recommending him to all my friends 😃
Kalu JayKalu Jay
07:34 22 Apr 24
Got my tattoo done by Rebel Inks several years back and for sure these guys are the best in town .my tattoo healed well and now it’s looking perfect
Professor PimpProfessor Pimp
18:20 20 Apr 24
Sherryl NzaliSherryl Nzali
06:41 18 Apr 24
Thoroughly impressed by their amazing services. It was an incredible experience. Happy with my results. I highly recommend Rebel Inks.
jake mungaijake mungai
06:07 18 Apr 24
Wonderful experience. great hospitality and most importantly, very hygienic service. I would definitely recommend.
kriti kumarikriti kumari
17:18 16 Apr 24
Got my upper ear piercing done and my experience was fabulous. I highly appreciate the professionalism shown by Eric. He made sure I was made aware of the process before he started the work. He also explained me the healing process and the complications which was actually great to know as most places do not care to talk about the work in so much detail.The place is neat and clean and the equipments he used were also fine standards. Really appreciate his following up with me on the healing 🤗
Wambui GichureWambui Gichure
10:59 15 Apr 24
Solid service! I got a septum piercing and i enjoyed the professionalism and the follow up services..#valueformoney#highlyrecommend#
Nyambura WanyekiNyambura Wanyeki
12:18 31 Mar 24
I first went through their website to engage more on their services. I was particularly interested in the nose ring service. The communication from the day I made an appointment was very professional as well as the services offered. Eric explained in great detail the step by step procedure and was very patient with our questions. He administered effective hygiene and even let my friend record a video of the procedure. The after care followup is also great as Eric keeps checking up on the healing process on a weekly basis as well as giving additional guidance on the after care.I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEIR SERVICES to everyone. Actually what you see on their website is EXACTLY what you will get. Keep up the good work Rebel inks Tattoos.
liz Omaribaliz Omariba
05:50 30 Mar 24
Got my first tattoo from him....and he's been very involving in my recovery journey. I'd recommend him any day. Thank you so much Eric.
Sylvia KiamaSylvia Kiama
03:01 30 Mar 24
He was quick and professional the piercing looked good and was easy to book with
Risper JamesRisper James
16:39 28 Mar 24
Got my tattoo done here 5 years ago. Healed well, looking perfect. Definitely has withstood the test of time. Eric ❤️, you are a Gem 💎.
Poly JoePoly Joe
15:42 28 Mar 24
I have been looking for the perfect place to get my tattoo removed. After inquiring and also being referred to Eric. I started my removal process last year and now my tattoo is almost fully gone. I would like to thank Eric and the whole Rebel Inks Empire Team for their diligence and consistency in ensuring my needs were met. Definitely the best in laser removal services in Nairobi, Kenya.💯
Maximilian LehnMaximilian Lehn
14:27 26 Mar 24
I went to Eric for the first time to get help with an earring infection I couldn’t get rid of for months. I quickly got an appointment. He took time to listen to my concerns and previous treatments. He then recommended we try a different approach, changing the piercing and treating it as it was fresh. He gave great advise on how to clean and which care products to use. Throughout the whole session he was very friendly, considerate and knowledgeable. The weeks after he was checking in on how the piercing was doing.The infection is now gone. I would definitely recommend!
Chris BChris B
16:54 29 Feb 24
I got my ears pierced and the whole procedure was more than great. The space was very clean and time was taken to chose the right spot. He took his time to clean up after and we had a nice talk, too with many helpful information on cleaning and sanitizing the new Piercings. Even after we were done there was a weekly follow up on our healing process.Can recommend this place totally and would go back there anytime!Thanks!
Victory WairimuVictory Wairimu
11:56 25 Feb 24
I was so pleased with the service I got. I received a septum piercing from Eric and based on my experience with him, I wouldn't trust anyone else with any other piercings that I might get. He's very sanitary and walks you through the entire process making you feel comfortable and at ease. He also follows up on his clients concerning after care and is very easy to talk to. I would definitely refer anyone looking for to get a piercing, tattoo or tattoo removal here!


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